Fire Resistance
Fire Resistance of GFRP Fiberglass Rebar in Concrete
Design codes have been released for the use of GFRP in civic structures and they take into consideration fire resistance. Research indicates that concrete fails before GFRP fails and that as a rule of thumb if a fire is bad for GFRP it is similarly bad for steel reinforcement. Some exceptions exist.

Failure of beam 2 after fire test inside the furnace shows some flexural cracks and rupture in the main reinforcement.
Design guides have been published and should be carefully followed.
Many additional papers can be found at the following links:
Reports and Thesis relating to “Fire & effects of Elevated Temperature”
- Fire Testing of GFRP Reinforced Concrete Beams – Hamid Abbasi
- Temperature & Evironmental Effects on GFRP Rebar: Modulus, Strength and Interfacial Bond Strength with Concrete. – Hamid Abbasi
- Model for Predicting Properties of Constituents of GFRP Reinforced Concrete Beam at Elevated Temperatures Simulating a Fire Test. – Hamid Abbasi
- Prediction of Failure Time of GFRP – RC Beams under Fire Conditions – Abbasi
- Effects of High Temperature on Bond Strength of FRP Bars – Katz